Wondering what information you need to complete the raffle intake form and submit your raffle application in British Columbia? Keep reading below to learn about your local rules, and the information required to get started!
Please note: It is strongly advised to contact your provincial gaming authority for further clarification and to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information before proceeding.
Resources and Information | |
GPEB Gambling Event Licence Fundraising Link | |
Licensed Charitable Gaming Rules (PDF) | Direct link to GPEB's Raffle Rules and Regulation |
GPEB Gaming Online Service | |
Steb-by-step Guide | GPEB link guide on how to apply for your raffle license |
Processing Time |
*If you are not yet eligible, you will have to undergo an eligibility review which will take longer - reach out to GPEB directly to check the timeline. |
GPEB Types of Licenses and Fees |
BC Rules of Play | Here's a guide to deciding your rules of play |
Click the below link for your downloadable Trellis Pre-Onboarding Raffle Worksheet!Use this worksheet as a guide during your internal meeting to ensure that you have all the information you need prior to filling out the intake form
Frequently Asked Questions:
- No, you are not permitted to seed your pot in British Columbia.
- Licensees are permitted to guarantee a minimum pot for a percentage ticket raffle but are not permitted to “seed” it. Licensees wishing to guarantee must specify this as part of their licence to be able to do so. Gaming funds may not be used for this purpose.
For example, an organization or a third-party can guarantee a minimum prize amount of $25,000. If ticket sales reach $50,000 on a percentage raffle, the prize would be $25,000 and the organization or sponsor(s) would not contribute any funds. If ticket sales reach $40,000 the prize would only be $20,000 creating the need for the organization or sponsor(s) to contribute $5,000 to meet the guaranteed prize pot.
3. Can I add early bird draws?
- Early bird draws are not permitted for percentage raffle(50/50) and is only approved for regular ticket raffle.
- Early bird draws, if approved on a regular ticket raffle licence, may take place. Tickets drawn as part of an early bird must be placed back into the draw for an equal chance to win in future draws within the same licence.
- All early bird draw dates, times and locations must be included and approved on the licence.
Click this link to learn about the benefits of adding early bird draws
4. Can I sell tickets to BC non-residents?
- A non-resident of BC may purchase entry into a gaming event if the entire payment transaction takes place while the person is in BC. A receipt and applicable proof of entry must be provided at the time of purchase. BC residents may not purchase entry into gaming events on behalf of non-BC residents with the intent to distribute entries outside of BC. As well, prizes may not be distributed outside of the province.
5. We are a Community Fundraising Groups, can I run an online raffle?
- Use of an Electronic Raffle System is not permitted for CFGs. This means you cannot use Trellis to run your raffle.