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How to Add Custom Fields to your Checkout

In this article, we will teach you how to add questions to your checkout using custom fields to get the details you need from your purchasers.

Not sure if you should be asking for consent to send out Commercial Electronic Message(CEM)? Check this link out to learn more about Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL).

How to Add Custom Fields

1. From your fundraiser builder, navigate to your sidebar settings and choose custom fields.

2. Click Custom Field List > Add Custom Field and edit or add your fields

3. Add the Field Title and Field Type.

Field Types:

  1. Text - free text answer
  2. Paragraph - multi-line free text answer
  3. Radio Buttons - one answer radio button option
  4. Checkboxes - multiple answers checkbox options
  5. Attachment with Checkbox - allows a donor to download a file with a checkbox (commonly used for acknowledgments)
  6. Drop-Down Selector - one answer dropdown option
  7. File Upload - donor can upload a file or image during checkout

Note: You can't add hyperlinks to your custom fields


4. Select whether this custom field applies to Event Tickets, Donations, and Items for Sale, then select which event ticket and items for sale this field applies to.

Please note, at this time custom fields cannot apply to:

1. Raffle Tickets

2. Auction Items

3. Specific Donation Options


5. If your custom field applies to Event Tickets, select whether this field is asked of the Ticket Purchaser, or each Ticket Holder.

  • Ticket Holders: This custom field will be asked on the Assign Tickets step of the checkout and asked of each ticket holder.
  • Ticket Purchasers: This custom field will be asked on the Contact Information step of the checkout and only asked of the purchaser.


6. Select whether this custom field is required for the purchaser to fill out.

Note: If you allow purchasers to skip assigning tickets during checkout, then any required custom fields for ticket holders will also be skipped. The field will be required when the donor is asked to complete their ticket holder information from their donor account.

If you require answers to a ticket holder custom field during checkout, you should disable Allow Purchasers to Skip Assigning Tickets under Events > Event Settings.


7. Hit Save and Publish Changes.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add a custom field that applies to everything within the checkout, regardless of what the donor is buying?

No, unfortunately at this time you must select which purchasable the custom field applies to, either event tickets, items for sale, or all donation options.


Can I make a custom field apply to both a ticket purchaser and a ticket holder?

Not within the same custom field. You would need to create a duplicate of the custom field - one that applies to the ticket purchaser, and one that applies to the ticket holders. 


Do I need to ask for consent to send out Commercial Electronic Messages (CEM) in Canada?

Check this link out to learn more about Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL).


Can I re-order custom fields?

No, unfortunately at this time there is no way to re-order custom fields, although this is something we are exploring for future functionality.


I am selling t-shirts as Items for Sale - how can I ask purchasers what size t-shirt they would like?

You can create a custom field that applies to the t-shirt Item for Sale. The label could be "What is your t-shirt size? (If purchasing multiple t-shirts, please list all sizes requested."


I want to gather prefixes from donors, how can I go about doing this?

You could add a custom field dropdown with a list of prefixes that the donor can select during purchase. Note that if this applies to the ticket purchaser, then this will appear below their contact information.