How to Edit Your Raffles Page

In this article, we will discuss the information required to display on your Raffles page and how you can add more information

When your raffle is published by the Trellis team, your Raffles page will automatically generate with all the required information that must appear on the page. This includes:

1. Raffle Preview

This is how your supporters see prizes and purchase raffle tickets. 

2. Rules of Play

Trellis will automatically display this for you as well when you send us your license and an updated copy of the rules of play you have submitted to your gaming.

3. Raffle Footer

This includes the licence information and additional draw details that is required to display by gaming authorities. 

Please Note:

These sections must also appear on your fundraiser's home page and cannot be deleted.


How to Edit The Raffles Page

The raffles page itself does not have a builder, like your fundraiser's home page. However, if you want information to also appear on your raffles page, you can choose to mirror sections from your main page to your raffle page.

  1. Add a new section to your fundraiser's home page, such as a Custom Section
  2. On the right hand side, look for the ticket icon to Mirror to Raffle Page
  3. Click the icon. This section will now appear on both your home page and raffle page.
  4. As you mirror sections to your raffles page, they will appear in the same order as your fundraiser's home page.

This feature is great if you want to:

  1. Feature your sponsors on your raffles page
  2. Tell your story around the raffle
  3. Add additional information regarding purchasing of raffle tickets


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