How To Preview Your Silent Auction

In this article, we will show you how you can preview your silent auction for you to verify your items before promoting!

1. Once you have added all your items, make sure that the show silent auction tab is disabled.

2. Go to your Auction Settings and Copy the silent auction link.

3. Paste the link to a new browser tab.

4. Once you have verified all of your items and are happy and ready to go live. Enable the show silent auction tab to donors.

5. Make sure you display your silent auction on your page.
a. Add the auction preview on your homepage by heading to your fundraiser builder > click on the small blue plus button in the middle of your screens and select auction preview.

b. Enable the Silent Auction tab on your header by going to your sidebar settings > header design > enable the Silent Auction link in header.

6. Once you're happy hit Publish Changes.

7. Make your page Live.

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