How to Set up Raiser’s Edge Organization Constituents Settings

In this article, we’ll guide you through setting up the Organization Constituent Settings for the Raiser’s Edge integration. These settings control how your Organization Constituents are matched in Raiser’s Edge.

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  1. Go to the Main Dashboard
  2. Select Integrations from the menu on the left-hand side and select Blackbaud
  3. Click Settings
  4. Navigate to Organization Constituent Settings 


Match Criteria

Primary Match Criteria are the initial set of conditions used to determine if an organization that made a purchase on Trellis is already an existing constituent in your database or if they are new to your organization.

Secondary Match Criteria are used when multiple constituents match the Primary Match Criteria. These criteria help refine the search, allowing you to prioritize the information to find the correct constituent.

  1. Click Add New Primary Criteria to add new criteria
  2. Click the pen icon to edit a criterion or the trash can icon to remove it
  3. Set your Secondary Match Criteria by clicking Add New Secondary Criteria
  4. Under Match Type, choose one of the following:
    1. Exact - The spelling must be correct
    2. Close - Up to two characters can be incorrect
    3. Flexible - Up to three characters can be incorrect


Organization Constituent Code

When a new constituent is added, select the constituent code to associate with the organization from the drop-down list of your existing codes from Raiser’s Edge.

  1. Search for the appropriate Organization Constituent Code for new constituents
  2. Select Set start date as date of creation if you want the creation date to be recorded in Raiser’s Edge


Default Contact Information Type 

When new contact information is provided for an existing constituent, Trellis will not override or delete any current information. Instead, additional contact details will be added. In this section, you can select titles for the new default information used.

Pro Tip: Create new Default Types in Raiser’s Edge called "Trellis Address," to easily identify the source of the new information.

  1. Click the drop-down selector to choose the new Information Type you want to use.

  1. Click Save to complete the Organization Constituent Settings 

If you notice duplicates or errors in constituent records, you can adjust the settings here to resolve those issues.

If you want to customize a specific fundraising page settings, click here to learn how.


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