How to Setup an Online Fund-a-Need for an In-Person Event

In this article, we will guide you through organizing an in-person Fund-a-Need (FAN) where your donors can easily use their mobile phones to donate or pledge!

With Trellis Fund-a-Need experience, you'll be able to create pre-set giving amounts that your donors will be able to donate or pledge during the FAN. These amounts can be different from the Donation Options you also offer. During the FAN, guests will be presented with these donation amounts, and be able to quickly click and donate on the fly.


Ready to get started? Let's To begin establish your preset giving levels. Follow the steps outlined below:

1. Login to your Trellis account

2. From your Dashboard, choose and Edit the page you'll use for raising money through your Fund-a-Need
3. Navigate to your sidebar settings and select Donation Options

4. Select Edit Fund a Need

5. Set up your Preset Giving Levels. Use the preview on the right-hand side for reference

a. Use the 6 dots to move the order of display

b. Use the Trash Can to delete an option

c. Enable the Include "Other" option to allow donors to give a custom amount


6. Hit Save and Publish Changes to reflect it on your live page

Note: Donors will only see the FAN options, and Preset Giving Levels when the FAN is happening during the event, leading up they will not see these options. 

Now that you have established your Preset Giving Levels, it's time to set up a live display of your donations!

1. While on your fundraiser page builder, go to the sidebar settings and choose Live Event Views

2. It will open up a new browser tab to show your different production views. Select Simple Fund-a-Need View

3. Click Configure Settings on your Simple Fund-a-Need View builder

4. Under "Which fundraising drivers would you like to include?" choose which fundraising drivers are included in your thermometer. For a Fund-a-Need its recommended you select all possible donations and pledges.

5. Complete your settings with your Thermometer Goal and Appearance

6. Click Generate Production View

7. Once you click Generate Production View, a new browser tab will open. Be sure to copy the entire URL from this tab and use it for projecting the display

Once you have set up your display, it's time to determine how your donors can participate.

Donate or Pledge using your Mobile Phone

1. Make sure you project your Fund-a-Need view on the stage or where your donors can easily see it and ask them to either type the URL or scan the QR code on their mobile browser

2. After accessing the page, donors will be able to view the Preset Giving Levels you have established. They can easily pledge or make a donation even if they are not logged in. Below is an example video demonstrating how to scan the QR code using an iPhone:

As donations and pledges are made, you'll see your thermometer updated in real time.

Here are your additional guides in managing your fund-a-need
1. How to Use Live Event Views
2. How to manage your pledges after the the fund-a-need


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