Wondering what information you need to complete the raffle intake form and submit your raffle application in New Brunswick? Keep reading below to learn about your local rules, and the information required to get started!
Please note: It is strongly advised to contact your provincial gaming authority for further clarification and to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information before proceeding.
Resources and Information | |
New Brunswick Raffle Site | |
NB Raffle Licensing Policy | Direct link to NB Raffle Licencing Policy |
Application for Lottery Registration | Online application for applying for gaming licenses |
Processing Time | Applications may require up to a 30-day lead time for processing. |
Licensing Fees | Link to NB gaming licensing fees |
MB Rules of Play | Here's a guide to deciding your rules of play |
Click the below link for your downloadable Trellis Pre-Onboarding Raffle Worksheet!Use this worksheet as a guide during your internal meeting to ensure that you have all the information you need prior to filling out the intake form
Frequently Asked Questions:
3. Can I add early bird draws?
Click this link to learn about the benefits of adding early bird draws
4. Can I allow board members, raffle ticket managers, and their immediate family members to join the draw?
- NB does not have a strict rule on who from the above can't join the draw so it is up to you as the organization to decide and specify this on your rules of play.