Wondering what information you need to complete the raffle intake form and submit your raffle application in Ontario? Keep reading below to learn about your local rules, and the information required to get started!
Click here for a checklist from AGCO to conduct a successful electronic raffle.
Please note: It is strongly advised to contact your provincial gaming authority for further clarification and to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information before proceeding.
Click the below link for your downloadable Trellis Pre-Onboarding Raffle Worksheet!Use this worksheet as a guide during your internal meeting to ensure that you have all the information you need prior to filling out the intake form
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the processing times and fees with AGCO?
- Minimum of 30 days processing time and 45 days for first time licensees.
- The licence fee for all stand-alone raffle licences in excess of $50,000 issued by the province (Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming) is 1% of the prize board. All other raffles are calculated at 3% of the prize board. Municipalities may charge up to a maximum of 3% of the prize board.
2. Can I seed the pot?
- When prizes have been seeded with donated cash or merchandise, the Licensee shall include the value of the seeded amount in the estimated prize displayed.
- Licensed charities are permitted to accept sponsorship for their electronic raffles in the form of fixed cash or merchandise prizes. Charities must also ensure that sponsorships are clearly communicated to customers. As the amounts received from sponsors become part of the prize board, licensing fees, which are set at one per cent of the prize board, are calculated to include any sponsorship funds.
3. Can I add a guaranteed amount?
- For raffles with guaranteed prizes, the Licensee shall ensure that the value of the prize is disclosed.
Specifics of seed and guaranteed pay amount will be retrieved from the organizer upon filling out the intake form. This is to ensure that their rules of play is clear.
4. Can I add early bird draws?
- Under a 50/50 electronic raffle, a licensee may include a reasonable number of fixed prize draw(s), e.g. early bird or consolation draw, provided that:
- 50% of ticket sales must go to the winner of the main prize draw.
- Any fixed prizes are paid from the charity’s half of the tickets sales or from donations.
- Rules of play must be clear, so players understand how the draws will work.
Click this link to learn about the benefits of adding early bird draws
5. Can I allow board members, raffle ticket managers, and their immediate family members to join the draw?
- The licensee must ensure that no person directly involved in or responsible for the conduct of the lottery event or involved in the sale of bingo paper, break open tickets or raffle tickets, as the case may be, purchases any bingo paper, break open tickets or raffle tickets, or participates in the game which he or she is assisting to conduct.