Pausing Events or Fundraisers

Pausing events or fundraisers we'll walk you through how to temporarily pause your ongoing event or fundraiser

Need to stop your fundraiser right away, but it’s already live?

No worries, we’ve got you covered. While your fundraiser is paused, you won’t be able to sell tickets. (Want to keep selling tickets? Maybe try a Waitlist! You can learn more about those here !)

Pausing your fundraiser is easy! Let us show you how! 

Go back to your Account Dashboard and find your fundraiser. From there, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of your fundraiser card and press Pause. (Don’t see the Pause option? It’ll only show for fundraisers that are currently published!)

Don’t forget that when your fundraiser is paused, your ticket sales will also be closed.

When you are ready to make your fundraising page live again, you can press the 3 dots in the top right corner again and click Unpause

For more help with your trellis fundraisers, you can reach out to our team through the blue chat box on all trellis pages. 

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