How to Add Offline Table Purchases to Trellis so Purchasers can Reassign Tickets

This article will guide you through adding offline table purchases to Trellis so that purchasers, like sponsors, can reassign their tickets to guests.

If you have sold tickets offline from Trellis, such as sponsor tickets or other tables, here's how to enter in those tables into the system so that those donors can reassign their own tickets leading up to the event.

Please Note:

The Bulk Upload feature does not work for Grouped Tickets, so if you need to ensure attendees stay grouped, please use the steps in this article.


  1. Ensure a Grouped Ticket is Set Up:
    • In your Events section in the Fundraiser Builder, create a grouped ticket for your table (e.g., “Sponsor Table” or “Table of 10”).
      • Note: The ticket name will be visible to the donor.
    • Set the appropriate number of attendees per table.
    • Set the ticket price to $0, as it’s not for sale on Trellis.
    • Under Advanced Settings, mark this ticket as Hidden.
    • Save the ticket and press Publish Changes on your fundraising page.

Steps to Add Offline Table Purchases

1. Navigate to the Sales Entry System in the Event and Sales Manager

  • From your Dashboard, find the fundraiser you are managing.
  • From the Fundraiser, click the ESM button to go to the Event and Sales Manager.
  • Log in using the same username and password you would use for the dashboard.
  • Now click Sales Entry System (SES).

2. "Purchase" a Grouped Ticket on Behalf of the Sponsor/Donor

  • Select the hidden grouped ticket for the sponsor or table purchase.
  • Complete the checkout with the donor or sponsor's information as the purchaser.

3. Assign or Skip Ticket Assignment

    • Click Skip Assigning Tickets if you do not know who is coming. This assigns all tickets to the purchaser.
    • If you know some of the attendees, you can assign them here.

4. Select Payment Method

  • On the Payment Method step, choose an offline method, such as Cash, Cheque, Card - Offline or Other.
  • Note: If the ticket is free, the Payment Method step will be skipped.

5. Order Summary

    • On the final checkout step, decide if you would like to send a receipt to the donor.

  • The email is the standard purchase confirmation email, which includes an itemized receipt and PDFs for their tickets.

6. Complete the Purchase

  • Once the purchase is complete, the sponsor will be available in the Check-In Tool with an automatically created Trellis account.

How the Purchaser Can Manage and Reassign Their Tickets

  1. Ask the donor to log in to their account.

    • Send the donor a link to your fundraising page.
    • Ask the donor to Log In from the top right corner.

    • The donor will enter the email address that was used for the purchase to log in. This will send them an email with a one-time login link to login.
      • They should not log in with a password.

  1. From the account, go to My Tickets

    • Once logged in, the donor can go to My Tickets to reassign tickets to their guests.

    • For more on how to reassign tickets, view this article.
  2. Guest Ticket Reassignment

    • When the donor reassigns tickets:
      • Each guest receives an email with their ticket.
      • Each guest’s Trellis account is automatically created.
      • The Check-In Tool updates automatically with the guest’s details.


This setup allows sponsors and donors to manage their own tickets, ensuring seamless guest entry and a smooth event experience.


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