How to Process Payments for your Live Auction Using Trellis

In this article, we will guide you on using our platform to process payments for your live auction.

Before you can start a live auction, it is essential to include your live auction items in your Silent & Live Auction Settings. To include your live auction items in your Silent & Live Auction Settings, click here to complete this necessary step.

In this scenario, your live auction items will be auctioned off in a physical room, not using technology. We recommend having an auctioneer or host facilitate the bidding process. 

While bidding is taking place, we recommend having dedicated volunteers log the highest bids and the corresponding paddle number or donor name. To ensure accurate record-keeping, ask multiple volunteers to do this simultaneously. Once the live auction concludes, you can use the information below to easily enter and charge your donors for their winning bids.

1. Using the Checkin-Tool - If your guests have checked in using the check-in tool, you can utilize the same tool to locate them by their paddle number or name and conveniently add items to their cart.

2. Using the Sales Entry System - This tool allows you to manually enter the details of any individual and charge them accordingly.

By utilizing our platform to effortlessly add items to your guests' cart, you can conveniently keep a record of these transactions for future reference and use them in future campaigns.

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