How to Check-in and Manage Attendees Using the Check-In Tool

In this article, we will guide you and your volunteers through using the check-in tool!

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Understanding the three types of attendees in the check-in tool:

Verified Attendees: these attendees are all set and ready to check in.

Reassign Attendees: these attendees are likely guests of a ticket purchaser and the purchaser did not assign their tickets before the event. We recommend reassigning the ticket to the correct person, but this is not required to check them in. Note that you will not be able to manage this attendee’s credit cards or cart until they have been reassigned.
Unverified Attendees: these attendees can be checked in, but they will need to verify their email address before you can save a credit card to their account or add purchasables to their cart. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing their account and keeps their information secure.

How to check an attendee in

1. When an attendee arrives, ask for their name (recommended), email address, or phone number.

Scroll through the list of attendees, use the search bar, or scan the QR Code on an attendee's Trellis ticket to find the individual. 

2. Click the blue Check-In button to check the attendee in.

3. The check-in app will then email and text the attendee a sign-in link so they can sign in to their Giving Account on their own device. If the attendee does not have a phone number saved, the Check-In App will prompt the volunteer to gather a phone number.

4. If the attendee does not have a credit card saved to their account, the Check-In Tool will ask if the attendee would like to add a credit card.

We recommend adding in a credit card during check-in to simplify the evening, and easily add items to an donors cart throughout the evening. 

5. (Optional) Add a payment method to the attendee’s account by completing the form. Hit Save and then you can now move on the next attendee!

Checking In Attendees that need to be “Reassigned”

If the attendee says “Reassign”, they are likely guests of a ticket purchaser and have not yet been assigned. We recommend reassigning them to the correct person, but this is not required to check them in.

1. Click Update Attendee to add the correct information. Then hit Save and Check-In.

2. The Check-In Tool will check to see if the attendee’s email is already in use by another attendee. If the email is not in use, the attendee will be “Verified” and you can proceed with the same steps for a verified attendee. 

Checking In Attendees that are “Unverified”

If the attendee says “Verify” they'll need to verify their email address. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing their account and keeps their information secure.

1. Click the blue Check-In button.

2. The attendee will be checked-in, and the Check-In Tool will automatically send a verification link to the attendee’s email and phone number on file.

3. Ask the attendee to click on the link in their email or text messages.

a. While you are waiting for the attendee to verify their email, you can proceed with checking in another guest.

b. If you don’t need to gather the attendee’s credit card, you can complete the check-in process here and move on to the next guest.

4. Once the attendee clicks the link, they will be signed into their account on their device, and the attendee status will change from unverified to verified.

Note: If the attendee does not receive the verification link, please ask them to check their spam folder. Text messages are less likely to be blocked by spam filtering. You can always resend a verification link by clicking View More on their profile, then Send Verify Link

5. You can now use the buttons under the attendee to add a credit card and manage the attendee’s cart.

How to Add Item(s) on Attendees' Cart

1. On your check-in tool search for the guest you want to add an item to their cart using the search bar and click the cart icon.

2. Click Add Purchasable to select the item you want to add to their cart.

3. Select the Purchasable Type and hit Add to Cart
4. Ask the donor how they want to proceed. You have the option to immediately Complete the Purchase on their behalf (if your donor has their credit card saved) or Send Payment Link.

If you choose to send a payment link, you will receive a notification that the payment link has been sent and the donor will receive an email with instructions on how to complete their purchase independently like below.
If you choose to complete the purchase, you will receive a notification that the donor has been charged, and they will receive a receipt for their checkout in their email like below.

Pro Tip:
If the guests unsubscribe to our Trellis mailing they will not receive the emails above. In this case, it's best for you to complete their purchase on their behalf. 

Now that you have become acquainted with how to use our tool to add items to your guest carts, let's explore some other articles that you may find valuable!

Quick Links to Related Articles:

Getting Started with Check-In Tool

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