This guide will walk you through the process of reconciling your fundraiser results using the Trellis All Transactions Report, Payout Report, and Raiser’s Edge data.
By cross-referencing these fields, you can verify what has been synced, included in payouts, and the details of those purchases. This ensures consistency and accuracy across your fundraising records.
Important Note: Transactions on Trellis using offline payment methods will appear in your Trellis All Transactions Report and sync into Raiser's Edge, but do not appear in the Payout Report.
Confirm All Transactions Have Synced:
First, confirm that all transactions have had the sync initiated into Raiser's Edge. You can do this directly from your Trellis Dashboard.
Please Note:
Sync status refers to the data that synced according to your integration settings at that time of sync. It does not take into consideration any changes you have made to your settings after the transaction has synced.
- From the Dashboard > Results > All Transactions, filter the table by Raiser's Edge sync status.
- Select "Full" to see transactions that fully synced, according to your integration settings.
- Select "Not Yet Synced" or "Failed" to see if there are any transactions that haven't synced.
- Not Yet Synced: these transactions haven't been synced yet. This might be because you have your settings set to sync at payout date, and the payout hasn't been triggered yet.
- Failed: this transaction tried to sync but failed. Please reach out to for more information.
- Select "Partial" to see if any transactions only partially synced.
- Partial: Some of this transaction was able to sync, but parts of it failed. Please reach out to for more information.
Gathering Your Reports:
If you have confirmed all transactions have fully synced, it's time to gather your reports to reconcile the data that has synced.
- All Transactions Report: This report contains all the details and data about your fundraiser. Refer to this article for instructions on how to find it.
- Payout Report: This report includes all the transactions in your most recent payout. Refer to this article for instructions on how to find it.
- Audit Log: This report shows all integration activity, including all gifts synced by Trellis into Raiser's Edge. Refer to this article for instructions on how to find it.
Matching the Data to Ensure Accuracy:
Once you’ve obtained your reports, match the following fields between your three sources of data to confirm all information has synced correctly.
1. Checkout Purchase ID
The Checkout Purchase ID is a unique ID for the specific fundraising driver that was purchased.
Can be found:
- All Transactions Report: On the Sales Breakdown Sheet
- Raiser’s Edge: This appears as the Gift ID
2. Payout ID:
This is the unique ID that corresponds with a specific payout. The Payout ID will appear once a specific driver is paid out.
Can be found:
- All Transactions Report: This appears on the Sales Breakdown Sheet.
- Payout Report: This is the first column, labeled "Payout ID".
- Raiser’s Edge: This is added as a custom field to gifts.
3. Purchasable Name
This is the name of the fundraising driver, such as the event ticket name, item for sale name, raffle ticket name, auction item name, or donation option name.
Can be found:
- All Transactions Report: Sales Breakdown Sheet, called the Item Name
- Payout Report: This is in the column titled "Purchasable Name"
- Raiser’s Edge: This is left as a comment on a gift.
4. Custom ID
This is the Custom ID you can add to specific fundraising drivers, so it appears in the All Transactions Export.
Can be found:
- All Transactions Report: Sales Breakdown Sheet
- Payout Report: Column T
- Raisers Edge: Custom ID does not appear in Raiser's Edge at this time.
5. Trellis Source/Location
This refers to where on Trellis the transaction was made, such as from a checkout, or from the SES or a bulk upload.
- All Transactions Report: Sales Breakdown Sheet, called "Location"
- Raiser's Edge: Added as a custom field called Trellis Source on your Gifts. Online refers to credit card payments run through the checkout, and offline refers to any transactions made using offline payment methods.
Pro Tip:
You can run a query in Raiser's Edge for all gifts with Any Value for the Custom Field "Trellis Source" to see all gifts synced by Trellis.
If you still have questions or any feedback on how we could improve the reconciliation process, please email